• My face is showing
  • I'm in my
  • My skin is
  • My biggest skin concern is
  • For my eyes, I want to see less
  • I
    used Retinol before
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Your Custom RoC Regimen

Based on your answers, we’ve customized the following skincare regimen that’s proven to work for your skin type.

Since you’re a Retinol user, you’re already seeing the anti-aging benefits. While you’ve likely built up a sufficient tolerance to Retinol, we recommend monitoring your skin’s response to new products and if needed, adjust your usage until you find your ideal skincare routine.

Based on your answers, we’ve customized the following skincare regimen that’s proven to work for your skin type.

Since you’re new to Retinol, start out slow to build up your skin’s tolerance. Begin by using our Retinol product every other day to evaluate your skin’s response, then gradually increase usage until you find your ideal skincare routine.

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