Experts Corner - Crepey Skin

Developed in collaboration with Dr Sparavigna ( Italy )
& Dr Sabine Bellaiche ( France)
1. What is Crepey Skin? How does it manifest ?
Crepey Skin is thin, crumpled skin with many wrinkles. Crepey skin is a sign of skin ageing that occurs not only on the face but can also affect all body areas. It is a deep alteration of the skin surface microrelief where the regular aspect of the skin texture is being lost. The rete-ridge aspect of the skin surface loses secondary lines while primary lines predominate with some of them evolving over time in new wrinkles. 2. What’s happening in the skin causing the « crepey » aspect ? Crepey skin has lost its ability to renew itself properly, corneocytes and fibroblasts’ metabolism is slowing down. In the epidermis, corneocytes renew themselves less efficiently with a longer skin renewal turnover. Instead of desquamating regularly, they tend to accumulate at the skin surface. In the dermis, the fibrobalsts produce less new collagen fibers. There is an accumulation of aged and mechanically altered, weakened collagen fibers in the dermis. 3. What are the cause of Crepey Skin ? Several factors contribute to the appearance of Crepey Skin including Skin dehydratation in constitutional thin skin having been over-exposed to the sun and other external aggessors ( cold, smoke, pollution, some medical treatments). Crepey skin is a skin that has not been carefully nourished, hydrated and protected over time. 4. What are the differences in between wrinkled skin and crepey skin ? In wrinkled skin, wrinkles appear over time with a spare distribution. They can get deep but do not give a “ fragile” aspect to the skin. In Crepey skin, wrinkles are numerous and visible much sooner, they give a “fragile” aspect to the skin, as if the skin has about to “tear off”. 5. Have you noticed an increase in the incidence of Crepey Skin ? Crepey Skin concern has always existed but today, we see an increase in the number of patients’ requests for specific skincare treatment addressing it. |
6. What is the profile of the patients presenting with Crepey Skin ?
Patients with very light thin skin type, thinny body patients or patients having experienced body weight fluctuations are more prone to have crepey skin. Crepey Skin can affect all patients ages but for women in their late fifties, the absence of hormonal replacement therapy can increase its appearance. In both, men and women, there is a clear pronounced family pre-disposition to Crepey Skin. 7. How to prevent Crepey Skin ?
8. Does Crepey Skin manifest differently in skin of color ? There are less cases of Crepey Skin in Skin of Color patients and/or they tend to appear at a later stage in life. As darker skin is thicker, it seems less prone to crepey skin. On the other hand, Asian skin is more prône to Crepy Skin as being thinner. 9. Why is Hexyl-R-Resorcinol one of the best ingredients to correct CRepey Skin ? Hexyl-R-Resorcinol is an excellent skincare ingredient for Crepey Skin as it is a light peeling agent. It is extremely well tolerated by fragile crepey skin as it is combined with a dermoaffine lipid having strong affinity with the lipids of this barrier. Hexyl-R-Resorcinal exerts a light peeling exfoliation while providing optimal hydration and emolliency properties. Additionally, it is known to offer not only a light exfoliation ( reducing the stratum corneum thickness) but also to rejuvenate the skin by boosting the fibroblasts ‘ metabolism. There is no contra-indication for use of Hexyl-Resorcinol. It can be associated with Retinol ( for cell metabolism boost), hylauronic acid ( for deep hydration) and vitamin C ( for brightening activity).
10. Do you need to use the same product for the Face and the Body ? Face and Body products for Crepey Skin require different textures and concentrations of actives. As the neck area is extremely thin and fragile, it is better to use a product with a lower concentration in actives that is being delivered in a fluid, spreadable texture |